Diamond jewelery

What Is Lab Grown Diamond Ring Certification All About?

What Is Lab Grown Diamond Ring Certification All About?

The assessment and evaluation of a lab grown diamond ring by a licensed, globally recognized laboratory are referred to as a diamond certification. The laboratories conceptualize their results in a report that includes every aspect of a single diamond’s structure and personality.

 In addition to the gemstone’s significant characteristics, the labs also evaluate the performance of the gemstone based on these characteristics. Therefore, authentication is a crucial step in the process of buying lab grown diamond rings for women. 

Both man made and natural diamonds follow similar procedures for authorization. The precise methodology and medium are used by laboratories as part of the evaluation. However, in the interest of the customers and for their convenience, they explicitly define the distinction between a lab made diamond and mined diamond. But how can gemologists differentiate between a naturally mined diamond and a lab grown one?

How to Distinguish Between A Natural And A Lab Grown Diamond Ring? 

Even though natural and lab made diamonds have exactly the same physical and chemical characteristics, there are some extremely minute variations between the two. For instance, the majority of naturally occurring diamonds contain components of nitrogen in their chemical makeup despite being physically identical to lab grown diamond jewelry.

Gemologists use this “lack of nitrogen” to contrast and distinguish between man made and naturally occurring gemstones. This is similar to how crystal growth is noted to be a key factor in determining the distinction between an earth mined diamond and one created in a lab.

Essentially, trace elements are not a part of the chemical makeup of the diamond, but their existence greatly affects the stone’s physical color and shape. The problem with this is that in the instance of lab grown diamond rings India, the trace elements have little effect on the stone’s physical characteristics. Thus, when comparing the differences between lab made and mined diamonds, gemologists also consider this factor.

As we can see, it is nearly difficult to tell the difference between a natural gemstone from a lab grown diamond only through the naked eyes. Diamonds can only be evaluated, graded, and certified using specialist equipment in a controlled laboratory environment. 

Grading Of Lab Grown Diamond Jewelry

The 4Cs of a diamond—Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat—are used in the classification process. As previously stated, each diamond is examined, graded, and verified by the appropriate lab by a gemologist. The gemstone may go through multiple diamond grading to receive the right rating and certificate. The individual findings of single diamonds further culminate into a report which contains all the information regarding the diamond. 

Who Will Grade My Lab Grown Diamond Ring?

There are various internationally approved laboratories that provide certification for a lab grown diamond jewelry. These institutions include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), International Gemological Institute (IGI), Gem Certification and Assurance Lab (GCAL), Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC), Gemological Science International (GSI), and American Gem Society (AGS). When issuing diamond certificates, all of these labs follow the same standards for grading scales and evaluation. 

However, due to a distinct measure and conception of a score in a particular category, there may be minor differences in their reports. As an illustration, one laboratory might rate a diamond as an I, while another might assign it a J. 

Since diamond gradings are subjective in nature, it is not advisable to compare the certifications of two diamonds graded in different labs, which explains why there is such a difference. Otherwise, the evaluation of both labs is suitable and reliable if the results continue to be consistent.

Are certificates required for man made diamonds?

Obviously, they do. Both natural and man made diamonds are genuine and real. Any certificate that suggests details about precious stones that are grown in laboratories would do the same for precious natural stones.

The GIA also certifies lab grown diamonds and provides details on their cut, color, brilliance, and carat. Such records of man made diamonds are ideal for anyone analyzing various varieties of lab made stones before making a purchase. 

Furthermore, evaluating man made diamonds (lab-created stones) enables the purchaser to identify areas of price variation. However, as it offers some in-depth and detailed information about the stones and their characteristics, we advise that you inquire about the certification before you purchase a lab created stone. 

Any gemstone, whether a natural diamond or a lab grown diamond, must be graded in order to demonstrate its market worth. So to answer your question in simple words, yes, you do need a certification if you are thinking of buying a lab grown diamond jewelry. The certification gives you the assurance of its quality and that you are actually getting the worth of your investment. 

We trust that we were able to answer your questions about whether a lab grown diamond ring requires diamond grading certificates. However, if you continue to be unsure, don’t hesitate to contact Ayaani Diamond’s customer service department and ask any questions you may have.